Thursday, July 24, 2008

Von Glitschka design tips

Every once in a while I check Von Glitschka's blog at

He has a new website about illustration design that your students might learn from--

There's a recorded session he did for the HOW Design Conference that has some great lessons and examples. Unfortunately he just uploaded a SWF of his presentation and an MP3 and you have to play them together. It's tricky but, worth the effort.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Control and Creativity: A Match Made in Heaven

Organization, structure, and habit aren't threats to your artistic freedom. In fact, they're tools that help you carve out the time you need to let your creativity fly.

Some people think of creativity and organization as opposites. But Mark McGuiness believes that concentration is a must for the best creative work. If you don't consciously make time for being focused, you're vulnerable to interruptions that can stop your creative flow mid-stream.

In his book Time Management for Creative People, he goes into the theory and practice of maintaining your creative focus under pressure, and of managing the information flooding in on us all.

There's a link to download the entire 32-page book.