Tuesday, July 25, 2006

ART BACKWASH: A Day in the Life of a Designer.

There's a saying in the design industry: "Time, Quality or Cost- pick any two." Well there's always one more thing you get, and it's usually for free, sarcasm.

Von Glitschka has a funny but all too realistic story about dealing with clients who like to be back-seat designers in this article: ART BACKWASH: A Day in the Life of a Designer.

I dug up this this Dilbert which also makes a similar point.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Stopdesign gets Googled Up

A site I visit occasionally for design inspiration is Stopdesign. They did the 2nd generation of Blogger Templates, one of which I'm using (Tic Tac Blue).

I checked it tonight and found this message:
The cat’s out of the bag. I made the announcement here in New Zealand at Webstock, so I’ll confirm that, yes, the rumors are not just rumors. After a bit of negotiation and a lot of internal debate, I recently accepted an offer to join Google as Visual Design Lead, a position that did not previously exist there. I’m charged with helping the company establish a common visual language across all their collaborative and communication products. This includes products I’ve already had some hand in like Blogger and Calendar. But it will also include other highly used products like Gmail, Writely, Page Creator, and other projects in the pipeline.

You can read the full article here. I hope he keeps posting cool designs and articles, and wish him best of luck!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Really cool 3D Chalk Art

Artist Julian Beever is at the Just for Laughs comedy festival in Montreal. He does 3D chalk drawings that have realistic perspectives of objects, people or things. Just from the photos they look amazing- I can't imagine what they look like in person.
His website is http://users.skynet.be/J.Beever/pave.htm.